CAPTIV8 Share: the Best Eye-care App
What Do Patients See?
Patients see animations on a branded web page with your logo, picture and link back to your website.
If you share animations by SMS, the message is sent from a dedicated number we have reserved for your country. Where countries support alphanumeric numbers, messages will come from a sender called EYEINFO. Message recipients cannot reply to the SMS message. Note that SMS messaging does not use SMS data from your cellular plan.
Packed with Stunning Animations
Over 150 animations, covering all Ophthalmology sub-specialities.
Includes 10 languages.
New animation updates included!
Video Consultations
Perform virtual consultations safely with GDPR, HIPAA, PIPEDA/PHIPA compliance
Globally Compliant
Read more about our compliance:
Get Noticed on Social Media
No Subscription Fees, Just Pay As You Go
Only £100, $100, €100 for 100 credits
Download the CAPTIV8 Share app (just search the App Store or Google Play Store for CAPTIV8 Share), then purchase share credits after you register. Credits last forever and are purchased in bundles of 100. So, £100 provides 100 credits.
Simplified Billing
Specify when you want to top-up with another bundle and you will automatically be billed. Alternatively, you can choose to manually top-up with new credits within the app.
More Engagement on Social Media
Better content when you post using CAPTIV8 Share