Privacy Tools

New EU legislation (GDPR) grants individuals many new rights regarding their personal data.  At OPTIMED we’re committed to providing anyone visiting our website/s with access to information we hold about them.


If you have been sent an email from one of our Users, you can request information we hold or anonymise data we hold about you.  This can be done by clicking the “Privacy” link located at the very bottom of the email you received from the User.  The User is usually your eye-care professional.

Visitors & Users

Enter your email address below to:

  1. access any personal data we’ve collected about you
  2. export your personal data in machine-readable format
  3. delete your personal data.  Note that if you are currently subscribed to an Optimed product, then personal data cannot be deleted until expiry of the contract.  You may however be removed from any marketing lists.

App Users

If you are a registered user of CAPTIV8 Share or the CAPTIV8 Connect mobile app then you may unsubscribe as follows:

  1. sign out of the app
  2. delete the app from your mobile device
  3. enter your email below in order to access any personal data we’ve collected about you.  You may also export your personal data in machine-readable format.  You can also  request to delete your personal data.  Note that if you are currently subscribed to an Optimed product, then personal data cannot be deleted until expiry of the contract.  You may however be removed from any marketing lists.

Please identify yourself via e-mail