eyelight100% optical topcon optimed

Enjoy 6 months PREMIUM Features of CAPTIV8 Connect with your eye-light©

100% optical

Make Dry Eye Consultations a Memorable Experience

If patients require premium dry eye treatments like eye-light©, your explanations are critical to patients adopting the treatment.  Using CAPTIV8 Connect during consultations wows patients and ensures their level of understanding is clear whilst building trust in you and your practice.

Show Special #1

100% optical

All the features of CAPTIV8 Connect free for 6 months when you purchase the eye-light©.

Create QR codes to promote your Dry Eye Clinic

Create your own QR codes for fast patient engagement.

eye-lite lllt dry eye qr code

Show Special #2

100% optical

If you sign-up for CAPTIV8 Connect for a 5 year subscription, we will give you a further 6 months free meaning you only pay for 4 years.

Bring your website to life

Adding video to your website can significantly enhance engagement.

1. Visual Appeal:  CAPTIV8 Connect dry eye animations provide a dynamic and visually appealing element to your website, capturing visitors’ attention and encouraging them to stay longer.

2. Complex Information Simplified: Our content helps your audience better understand treatments such as IPL, LLLT, Blephex, Probing.

3. Increased Time Spent on Site: Engaging videos keep potential patients on your site for a longer duration. The longer people stay, the more likely they are convert to booking an appointment.